BGCR Logo Great Futures Start Here


Teen Court

An innovative diversion program for first-time juvenile offenses – a real court that is run entirely by teen volunteers, with adult mentors providing guidance.

Fortuna Teen Court

Teen Court Program located in Fortuna.

Teen Lounge

Teen Lounge provides youth grades 7-12 in Humboldt County with a supportive environment that facilitates the development of positive character and encourages learning ways to live constructive and meaningful lives.


Our T-Ball program helps young children with interpersonal skills, how to work as part of a team, and building their character at a young age. T-Ball also keeps children active, a key piece to leading a healthy life.

Club Programs

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Spa Services

Spa & Body Massage

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Detox & Purification

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Manicure & Pedicure

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Contact Us

939 Harris St, Eureka, CA  95503