504 Club

504 Club

The 504 Club is an annual sponsorship program. For $504 you can change the life of a child today. That amounts to only $1.38 a day, $42 per month. It can be billed monthly or paid in one lump sum.

Your sponsorship of $504 goes towards paying the annual membership fees and expenses for one child to participate in our program. While we only charge members $30 per year, it costs the Boys & Girls Club a lot more per child to offer our services. Several years ago, we calculated that our actual expense per child was $504. While costs now exceed that per child, we have kept our sponsorship program the same!

Sponsoring a child means that they will have some stability in their lives. They will have a safe place to go after school where they can count on a hot meal and caring club leaders that can offer them some support and guidance. Sponsoring a child has the power to change a life. Our programs work.

We really hope you will join the list of current 504 Club members and make a difference in one or more child’s life today.

Thank you to our current 504 Club Members!

  • Amy Whitlatch
  • Julie Alderson
  • Marci & Mike Pigg
  • Judith & Kenneth Stoffer
  • John & Jackie McBeth
  • Rob & Debbie McBeth
  • Tom & Jackie Benginzer
  • Nick & Linda Lucchesi
  • Jenny Jordan
  • Adam & Julie Pritchard
  • Tracy Taylor
  • Allen & Karen Mann
  • Mark Spencer
  • Quentin Owsley
  • Michelle Costantine
  • Kevin Bradley
  • Leroy & Dalene Zerlang
  • C. H. Parton, Jr.
  • Jamie Messegee
  • Nicholas Jaeger
  • Emily Siegel
  • Nancy Dean
  • Phillip Nicklas
  • Jeff Borghino
  • Carlos Sanchez

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939 Harris St, Eureka, CA  95503