The Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods is hosting a Day for Kids on Saturday, September 16th 2023 from Noon to 4pm. This is a Free community event at the Boys and Girls Club of the Redwoods Teen Center, located under the water tower off Harris in Eureka.
There will be free food, face painting, mini-golf, a DJ, a Bouncy House, and a visit from Humboldt Bay Fire and the Eureka Police Department. We will have the CalFresh smoothie bike and a Hot Wheels demonstration with tracks and hot wheel races. Tabling the event will be the Raven Project, the Youth Services Bureau and Sorrel Leaf Healing Center.
This is a day of fun to celebrate children and youth of all ages. Come and check out our Eureka Teen Center and meet our staff! Children under 11 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.